We believe that every human life is made in God's image and is sacred from conception to natural death. We trust Jesus to use us to build a loving culture of life one heart at a time. The Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities from the USCCB and yearly updates as well as guidance from Supreme, State, and the Iowa Catholic Conference are the guides for our activities and ministry.

Former Grand Knight Tony May (of 5390) and members Steve O'Connell, Gilles Bioche and three his sons, and Gerald Mitchell (of 12136) created the display of 416 crosses upon the request of Susan May, Xavier High School Theology Teacher and Campus Minister. Others were involved in construction and the Xavier Life Savers and their parents were involved in putting the crosses in the ground. Each cross represents 10 abortions per day in the US alone. That is over 4160 abortions. Having the display allows the mind to connect with the enormity of the atrocity of abortion. It gives people who want to defend life a visual reminder of when we get too deeply into a conversation on the philosophy of choice, that we need to bring back that same conversation to the reality of the deaths that the choice represents. The display is a yearly tradition with the prayer that abortion can be stopped altogether or at least severely decreased.

Iowa Knights for Life Website

Supreme Pro Life Website